= Imryrr Armunn = Seasoned Veteran
Joined: 12 Feb 2012 Posts: 396 Location: In front of you
Posted: Fri Jun 08, 2012 8:11 pm Post subject: ~ Dark Order Rules & Conduct ~ |
((The following Rules are subject to change and be edited. We will notify members of any significant change. If you cannot follow these then the Dark Order is not for you. We show no tollerance for anyone who willfully & blatantly breaks any of the following rules - Imryrr Armunn))
The Dark Order
#1) Stay In-Character: If you log on to your D|O character, you are making the commitment to be IC (in-character). ( All OOC talk can be done in partychat-guild chat-& ICQ & Vent. Brackets "[]" on screen are for emergency use only.)
#2) Avoid OOC Arguments: If/when an OOC (out of character) problem/argument developes w/ another guild, IGNORE OOC comments on-screen & let the leaders handle it. Period (All guildleaders in the Atlantic RP Community get a problem solved MUCH faster & w/ better results that way.) #3) No Looting!: Do not loot anyone, unless & only unless you think that he/she is about to be looted by a non-friendly. And then, only to keep their things safe until they return for it. (probable booting offense)
#4)No KOS'ING!: KOS= "Kill On Sight"
Before attacking another RP'er (or group of), make sure they know they are about to be under attack by RP'ing w/ them in some way. ( demanding travel tax, if in DCove, for example). Overtime this will become a natural habit & is actually fun as it breaks the routine of just simple see it/kill it)
*IF, however, we are in our own lands, or neutral lands, & are attacked, we reserve the right to protect our own.
*Do NOT log off your present D|O char. & hop on another char to participate in a current/happening fight/battle. The only exception to this is if you are on your citizen/crafter char.
(PK'ing w/o a good roleplaying reason is a bootable offense.)
#5) No Drobing!: Drobing=Attacking a rp foe that is wearing a death robe. Don't do it.
(Aso: if you die during an rp fight, gather your corpse belongings & wear your deathrobe to show that you have fallen in battle & are too "injured" to fight further)
#6) USE the Chain of Command. - for any issues, requests, problems, just as soldiers do in RL military. (you don't see a Sgt taking his problem to the president of the US for instance).
#7) Your guild "tag/badge" above your head must be turned on at ALL times, due to the fact that we are a proud group and want others to know who kicked their a$$. We are a military and we DO wear recognizable uniforms. (but not with our personal "Sam Smith" name on them).
Exceptions to this rule are: - If given a direct order otherwise. And, -if you are on a "Shadow" mission.
# No Bank Spamming. If you enjoy hanging out at banks, please Do Not use your D|O character. OR, if your D|O char is a tradesman.....lowly profession for one such as us, roleplay it to the hilt w/o any OOC phrases.
#9) Caina/Ocllo are a ROLEPLAYING city. Do NOT bring any ooc talking characters to our town, whether they be your alts or someone you know. (However, what you do/say inside your OWN home is your business).
#10) D|O Guildmeetings will be conducted IC on a normal basis. Only the one leading the meeting may change this IF the need arises. ((remember to check these boards the next day if you miss it.))
#11) Rank is EARNED. Rank is earned through IC actions/behavior, activity, AND battle honors.
#12) Help out a brother. It is guild policy to help out a guild brother/sister anyway that we can. (Unless he/she becomes overly needy/greedy.)
#13) Enforce Travel Taxes The Dark Order has instituted a travel tax for non-citizen travelers, except for visitors that we INVITE to come to DarkCove.
As a DarkCove soldier, it is your duty to to enforce this tax on all rp travelers. If they do not pay, you have it within your right to arrest them. If they resist arrest, use your lawful but evil judgement, though normally we'd "severly injure"/kill them.
(for non'roleplayer travelers, do what you see best.)
#14) Activity: We expect you to try to be active for some or a few of the meetings, events, battles, training, hunts, ect. We do not expect you to be on everyday, or arrange your rl to constantly fit the guild's schedule. OR, make your other guilds suffer severly if you have another char. in one. IF you know you will be gone for several days, please inform one of the leaders or post on this forum. Giving no warning when you could have shows little respect for your guild family. Take all the vacations, direct more attention to another char, that you want, but please inform us so that we know whats going on w/ our guild/guildmates. ((Inactivity of 1-2 months can result in being booted from the guild if you do not inform us of your absence beforehand. ))
*IF/when you are reprimanded / punished IC ingame, this does NOT mean that we hate you IRL. Have fun w/ the RP of it. And don't let it get you down as a being a bad soldier or some such nonsense. It means that you are learning, as we all did/are.
We do Not, however, tollerate continuous, willfull offenses, no matter how minor.
*It is our policy to help out any RP'er that may need game help, especially late-night & they need a rez very badly (pet rez, person rez, red attack, ect.) _________________ = Imryrr Armunn =
| House Armunn |
"D|O Theme"
Hawk/ICQ#: 617689603
Enoch: "now I'm gonna have to make up some lich version of poo"