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Revision as of 01:36, 16 February 2010 by Garrett BL (Talk | contribs)
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Place of Birth: Uknown
Class: Lotus Ninja
Guild: Blue Lotus Clan
Personal Data
Aliases: Shihan
Race: Human
Age: Unknown, twenties
Height: 5' 10"
Weight: unknown
Eye Color: grey
Hair Color: natural brown, dyed red
Biographical Data
Residence: unknown
Former Guilds: unknown
Marital Status: Married
Relatives: unknown
second in command of his clan
Unique Equipment
A quarter staff engraved with snakes


  • From Soke Bishimi's personal notes*

There is little known about the ninja called Garrett. If there is a reason for this it is because whenever he's asked he simply grunts, mumbles and continues about his buisness. In my efforts to know as much as i can about the members of my clan, specifically the elders, I have spent much time and exausted many resources in my efforts to learn more about his past. It is suprising what one can find out if the right questions are asked of the right people.

Garrett was born to a poor family in the final years of our conflicts with the clan Hanzagiri. A terribly rough time to grow up i must admit. None of the islands of Tokuno were safe from this war, so no matter which it was he was born to I know it could not have been easy for a child. As if this was not enough to push a young mind to violence, his father was a petty thief and con man. When Garrett was old enough to do as he was told his father waisted no time in involving him in the schemes and plots to take the belongings of others. It seems Garrett was not only the distraction needed for his father to do his work but also something of a packhorse. When the deeds were done it was Garrett that was sent out to collect the bounty of the nights actions. He was witness to violence that no child should be...after learning of this what i found out next was no suprise to me.

It seems at approximatly the age of six or seven years the boy learned the art of self preservation a little to well. It was around this time that it is said he took his own parents life while they slept. Knowing him as i do now i cannot imagine it was an act of pure violence for violence's sake. I picture the young Garrett spending many a nights awake and contemplating the results of his actions, weighing the pros and cons of what he was planning. For no matter what some others may think of him I know that he takes no actions without fully thinking them through. I imagine this to be true even in his childhood. There must have been some wrong doing perpetrated by his father that eventually pushed him to taking action, to belive that he would be better off not under their thumbs. Perhaps in his mind his life had gotten better after that night. While he was still killing and stealing he was the sole benifactor of his actions. even i can agree that if one must take that route it is better to do it for ones self then for another's benifit. I assume this went untill his early teenage which point he found us.

I remember the day the young man came to us, I remember the look in his eyes. It was one of blood lust, of anger. I was a Shihan in the clan at that time, the leader of the Ookami wake, it was my duty to take in and train young ninjas, make them an effective part of the clan. I must admit, upon seeing the boys eyes i was a bit apprehensive, but at the same time I saw a lot of myself in him when I joined the clan. I think the young Garrett felt the same type of kinship for in his formative years he seemed to do his best to mimick me. It seemed in no time at all he was testing into the Lotus clan. I can not think of many times I was anymore proud of my own accomplishments. While Garrett was still filled with anger and only sought to better himself it was directed diffrently. The boy trained like a man possesd, he fought any one that was willing, even thoes that far surpassed him in skill...again, reminecent of myself in my early years in the clan.

There was a point where i seen the young shodan's goals change, no longer was he concerned with self preservation or being the best or strongest as if he expected us to use him as his father had. He started to take all he learned with our clan and passed on his knowledge to the new young ones that joined us. While his technique was a bit more...harsh then my own it was no less effective. It seemed to me as if he had finally come to the understading that this was where he wanted...or needed to be. It was during these years that I really begain to see the potential this boy would have when he became a man. I am pleased to say that i did not find myself dissapointed. He swiftly moved through the ranks not only proving himself in my eyes but his own also. He began to see that he had more worth then that of simple muscle or a killer, he had become a leader, he had become a man...and a man far unlike the one that helped in his creation.

It is for these reasons that Garrett is now in the position he holds. As i think about his past, where he came from and his beggnings with our clan I even find myself suprised by the changes he has went through. It is I that now finds myself learning from him, such a change from when he first joined the clan. Whenever i ask him about his skills and how it is he became so strong he simply attributes it to what the Lotus Clan did for him. It is this mix of strenth, skill and humbleness that caused me to put him in the position he holds today. Second in command of the Blue Lotus Clan.

  • From Soke Bishimi's personal notes*


A man of average height, average build, and average appearance, Garrett's most notable features is the uncountable number of scars and the crimson mask he never removes in any situation. He carries himself with the arrogance and confidence of a man who sees himself as an unstoppable force and has an almost feral light to his eyes.

Other Information

Garrett is fiercely loyal to his clan and family and will gladly and without thought put his life at risk to protect either. He has no morals and the code in which he lives his life change frequently depending on his mood at the time. His Soke's word is law, and will be acted upon without question.

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